Direto with Ant+ paired in Zwift

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Direto with Ant+ paired in Zwift

Postby nickfielibert » Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:40 pm

I've posted some other observations with the Direto and Zwift yesterday, but doing a full ride today, I found the behavior using ANT+ very different from the behavior using the iphone as BT bridge for Zwift on win10. The main observation is that the ride is more realistic with ant+, but the strange thing is that I'm hearing the stepper motor controlling the resistance almost all the time. With BT through the iphone bridge you only hear the zooming of the motor when a grade actually changes. Is it normal that the stepper motor is reacting almost continuously and is this bad for the Direto? I'll ask the zwift folks as well.

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Re: Direto with Ant+ paired in Zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:02 pm

Zwift in simulation mode in bluetooth adjusts the resistance of the trainer only basing on slope.
It doesn't consider the speed or the weight of the rider.
This cannot assure a good simulation, as you can easily understand that a difference speed or weight during a slope can make quite a difference ;)

We already talked about this with Zwift team, but I don't know when (and if) they're going to correct this point.


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