Elite RealAxiom CT compatibility with zwift

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Elite RealAxiom CT compatibility with zwift

Postby rsanchezgar » Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:38 pm

Hi, I have al old but great Elite RealAxiom WIRED, can i use it with zwift or Garmin app?? Thanks

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Re: Elite RealAxiom CT compatibility with zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:45 am


Zwift should support it, ask them for confirmation.
About Garmin, I'm sorry but it doesn't support it


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Re: Elite RealAxiom CT compatibility with zwift

Postby tomasz.w » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:20 am

I use the Elite Realaxiom trainer and I suspect that the power indication on the Zwift is lower than it really is. On the Elite application I usually got 200W power with the 145BPM pulse. At training Zwift, the power of 170W was achieved with the 169BPM pulse. Which result is closer to the truth?

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Re: Elite RealAxiom CT compatibility with zwift

Postby roger.lynn » Sat Nov 30, 2019 10:51 pm

Zwift and RealAxiom have power issues. I end up showing about 40W less for equal power output on Zwift than what my real power is. While in workouts this isn't a huge issue, if you try and ride races or with others it is frustrating because I have to ride at LT and above just to keep up what should be an easy pace. I compare slope, power output and HR from my outside rides (I use a different bike on the trainer) to similar numbers on Zwift and what is a 230 - 260W effort on my Stages shows up as a 150 - 170 W effort in Zwift. Oh, the RealAxiom does show a lot closer to the real thing, in fact, before I just reinstalled all the SW it was actually reading a bit high on the trainer (I could hold 300W for 5 minutes on the trainer, not so much outside, but then again, no headwind on the trainer). Anyway, still deciding if I will keep using Zwift. It is sort of disappointing because I spent 4 hours upgrading the computer I use for the wired trainer to 64b OS so I could run Zwift and then ran into this issue.

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Re: Elite RealAxiom CT compatibility with zwift

Postby roger.lynn » Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:00 pm

Said bye bye to Zwift. Anyone else know any SW that works with the RealAxiom Wired trainers?

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