Magnetic cadence sensor

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Magnetic cadence sensor

Postby aitorm78 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:07 pm

Hi. I would like to know if it is true that, as I have read in some websites, the external (magnetic) cadence sensor of the Drivo is more precise and improves the performance of the resistance settings compared to using the internal system of the trainer to measure the cadence. In some websites it indicates that this is so, but in others they say that its only use is for the pedal analysis option. Also, I would like to know if the Drivo's cadence sensor is compatible with and old Realaxiom cadence sensor. Greetings and thank you.

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Re: Magnetic cadence sensor

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:49 am


Drivo doesn't have an internal cadence sensor.
It uses an algorithm that calculate cadence basing on microvariations of speed that happens when you give a pedal stroke.
This system allows a good approximation of the real cadence, but if you need a precise value you have to use an external cadence sensor.
This won't affect resistance, only the cadence precision.

About the old cadence sensor, I confirm you that it is compatible.
But you should also have found a cadence sensor in the Drivo box.


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