cadence sensor on elite drivo

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cadence sensor on elite drivo

Postby the-cyclist » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:59 pm


I understand that there are two ways to measure rpm's with elite drivo:

A - There is an integrated measure of rpm I don't have do to anything and its working just out of the box
B - I can use the external cadence sensor that was inside the elite drivo box

Question: because I want to use the pedal stroke analysis tool it is recommended to use the external cadence sensor for better accuracy (B). But how can I check that the external sensor is now actually working correctly and that not the sensor from (A) is still in use?

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Re: cadence sensor on elite drivo

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:12 pm

To be sure that the sensorless cadence is not running:
- power on the trainer
- do a couple of pedal stroke (the wired cadence sensor must pass close to the magnet)

In this way the electronic board will "sense" the wired sensor and don't use the sensorless cadence algorithm


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