Direto, no resistance for gear indexing

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Direto, no resistance for gear indexing

Postby ftalat » Wed May 23, 2018 9:25 am

Is there any way to reduce or eliminate trainer resistance for gear indexing? Currently, it's hard to hand-pedal while indexing/adjusting the gears.

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Re: Direto, no resistance for gear indexing

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed May 23, 2018 9:35 am


Explanation :geek:

When you plug the power supply, Direto places itself to what we call "default starting point".
This position has a little resistance (it's not a 0 resitance position). It is needed in case a user wants to use the trainer without any device, so he can still pedal on it without spinning around.

When you connect a device, instead, it places itself to the zero position (with no resistance).

So, to have minimum resistance when indexing the gear, this is what you have to do:
1. power on the trainer - it will go to the default starting point
2. connect it to a device (smartphone, tablet, pc...) - resistance will be put to zero
3. disconnect the power supply or keep it connected to the app while doing the indexing


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Re: Direto, no resistance for gear indexing

Postby ftalat » Wed May 23, 2018 2:39 pm

Thanks, I'll try this later today.

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Re: Direto, no resistance for gear indexing

Postby Eileen399 » Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:01 am

There have been a lot of reports for Direto resistance issues as you can imagine but we’re hoping in a near update most of these issues are fixed. We’ll be checking back for reports mybkexperience.

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