Direto resistance doesn't change with slope

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Direto resistance doesn't change with slope

Postby ckyr » Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:09 pm

My direto stopped changing resistance as a result of changes in the slope.

I just paired the direto to zwift on my macbook mini and my iPhone and to FulGaz on my iPhone and my iPad. Regardless the configuration, the Direto resistance remains constant no matter what the slope on zwift or FulGaz is. Absolutely no change. However, when doing training on zwift using ERG mode the resistance changes properly to match and maintain the watts. Therefore, is seems to be a problem with the command the unit is receiving when the slope is changing.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Re: Direto resistance doesn't change with slope

Postby simon » Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:21 pm

I had that happen on Zwift with my Apple TV. What I THINK worked, was going in and changing the trainer difficulty setting in Zwift. Moved it up to 100% and sim mode started to behave properly. I then moved it back down to 75% and it still worked, so maybe that was the issue, at least for me.

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