Direto calibration question

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Direto calibration question

Postby PhilSJones » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:10 pm

Just bought Direto. Offset on base says 6462. Calibration says 6459. Three lower.

I read elsewhere that a lower value might mean adjustment. What is the tolerance on this and are these figures OK?

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Re: Direto calibration question

Postby elite » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:30 am

According Elite tolerance is maximum -5 points

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Re: Direto calibration question

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:59 pm

Not completely correct :geek:
The belt will always adapt a little to the trainer. And this means that the offset will decrease.
If the belt loosen much, not only the values decrease more than 5 points but also you should notice some issue (drop of power, slipping at high power, strange noise).

So, if you notice a drop in the offset value (more than 5 points) and also one of the issues above, then you have to tighten the belt (and in this case, please contact the customer care at myetraining@elite-it.com to have detailed instructions)


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