Drivo Erg Mode

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby neil.kerr13 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:38 pm

mgfjd wrote:I love the power smoothing feature in the elite app. It is awesome to have a trainer with a real power meter, It behaves just like my stages power meter on the bike.
For Erg mode training set the settings to 10s power smoothing in the app. It will feel like a Wahoo or Tacx.
For road racing or ride set the power smoothing to 2s and it will feel like the real deal.

I was surprised to learn how much power tacx and wahoo do to their trainers.

As above tried my drivo on 10 smoothing and it now works fine. When on 2 I had the same problem as all you guys. Give it a go.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby neil.kerr13 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:33 pm

As was said on a previous post turn power smoothing to 10. I did and it works ok now

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:47 pm

Guys, sorry for the late reply on this topic.

If you think that our previous explanation doesn't fit your specific situation, please contact our customer care.
I tell you this because the first thing we do in these cases is to check the data (to see if there's something unusual) and this is not something we can do in a forum. Here we posted a general explication, but for details or particular situation, the customer care (myetraining@elite-it.com) is the best solution. After that, you can share here the results.


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby PhilSJones » Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:00 pm

I posted my concerns directly to Elite customer care about the delay in response on the Direto (and what I am reading here on the Drivo).

All I have had so far is "How are you connecting your ANT dongle?" With a cable I answered.... "Then try it without the cable."

In England we call that a "Chocolate fireguard" response. (Completely useless)

I suggested they actually try the same as I have experienced, with their own kit, but have had no reply.

I am concerned, now reading through the Direto and Drivo forums, that this problem of a 3-4 seconds delay in response to a largish (130-350W-130W) change in power in erg mode has been around for at least 10-12 months. With no resolution. And no intention to resolve.

I am seriously considering returning my Direto as "rejected as faulty" and probably by a Kickr Core, Neo, or even down grade to a smart wheel based trainer. It is a shame, but there is clearly a problem with it. My recent experience of sudden short resistance increases every 20- or 40 seconds has eventually completely undermined my confidence in it. Having demonstrated the power change delay problem to the UK distributors, using their PC/turbo/ant/bike I am convinced it is a product issue and not an individual item issue.

Very disappointed. Great shame. (and I have not even got to the constant errors showing up on the MyEtraining software)

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Pato » Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:05 pm

PhilSJones wrote:I posted my concerns directly to Elite customer care about the delay in response on the Direto (and what I am reading here on the Drivo).

All I have had so far is "How are you connecting your ANT dongle?" With a cable I answered.... "Then try it without the cable."

In England we call that a "Chocolate fireguard" response. (Completely useless)

I suggested they actually try the same as I have experienced, with their own kit, but have had no reply.

I am concerned, now reading through the Direto and Drivo forums, that this problem of a 3-4 seconds delay in response to a largish (130-350W-130W) change in power in erg mode has been around for at least 10-12 months. With no resolution. And no intention to resolve.

I am seriously considering returning my Direto as "rejected as faulty" and probably by a Kickr Core, Neo, or even down grade to a smart wheel based trainer. It is a shame, but there is clearly a problem with it. My recent experience of sudden short resistance increases every 20- or 40 seconds has eventually completely undermined my confidence in it. Having demonstrated the power change delay problem to the UK distributors, using their PC/turbo/ant/bike I am convinced it is a product issue and not an individual item issue.

Very disappointed. Great shame. (and I have not even got to the constant errors showing up on the MyEtraining software)

Phil, I have the exact same issue with my Drivo II. I tried changing it to bluetooth, since I thought it could be due to the ANT+ but the delay was even worse. There's no way the resistance can start and stay steady when the interval begins, and some times it stays stuck in a sprint interval way after it's over, when you're supposed to be "resting".
The other issue is with Zwift I'm having is that if I keep a steady cadence on a long interval, the average power seems always to be below target by 15W. It's incredible how much accurate I can be by just disabling ERG, which is a lot to say.
I will try the smoothing suggestion above...

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Gladius » Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:46 am

When I see to what is being reported here, the delays in the Directo, Drivo and Drivo II, I'm thinking there would be RF interference issues. I have experienced them with other devices operating on or near 2.4GHz (USB 3.0, ANT, BT, WiFi etc) . My apartment building is very RF noisy with errant signals coming from everywhere.

What helped me a lot was the type of USB cable I ended up using. It's a heavily shielded, active USB3.0 cable for my ANT dongle. I never had an issue with my Drivo lagging, stuck or signal dropouts. Try a better cable and place it as close to the trainer as possible before ruling out that the trainer is the fault. If you have a lot of USB 3.0 devices, get better shielded cabling and shielding for the ports if possible. They are a big cause for a lot of RF interference on 2.4GHz as well. If using BT, turn off as many wireless devices as possible and see what happens. It just may fix your issue.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby adrian.matka123 » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:44 pm

Guys, I have the same problem with my new DRIVO II. I am testing it since 2 months and tried a lot of different options to repair the issue with watts fluctuations and time of chaning resistance while intervals. I work with AnT+ and Windows PC.

I tried workouts on difrrent gears and cog. It is always the same issue with long time of chaning resitance or just unusual watts fluctuates. You spin normal and suddenly your watts go down for a few secons. It is really annoying.
More over I made research and borrow Wahoo Kickr Core 2018 to check is there a problem with my PC or ant+ drivers etc. And done some workouts. Everything was fine and changing resistance from 100-300 watts took 2-4second max. Drivo takes 10-12 seconds to change resitance.
It was huge difference with Wahoo. No watts flucations while workout having still cadence.

Drivo II TR example workouts - use low gear, and small cog. With high gear and fast interia takes much more longer.
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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Pato » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:28 am

Gladius wrote:When I see to what is being reported here, the delays in the Directo, Drivo and Drivo II, I'm thinking there would be RF interference issues. I have experienced them with other devices operating on or near 2.4GHz (USB 3.0, ANT, BT, WiFi etc) . My apartment building is very RF noisy with errant signals coming from everywhere.

What helped me a lot was the type of USB cable I ended up using. It's a heavily shielded, active USB3.0 cable for my ANT dongle. I never had an issue with my Drivo lagging, stuck or signal dropouts. Try a better cable and place it as close to the trainer as possible before ruling out that the trainer is the fault. If you have a lot of USB 3.0 devices, get better shielded cabling and shielding for the ports if possible. They are a big cause for a lot of RF interference on 2.4GHz as well. If using BT, turn off as many wireless devices as possible and see what happens. It just may fix your issue.

I've already tried them all. Bluetooth, TACX ANT+ dongle, Garmin ANT+ dongle with shielded cable and without...It all results in delay in resistance anyways. It still takes 10sec to go from 140w to 300w in ERG mode which is just crazy.
My old kickr core was way faster with the same setup I'0m using the Drivo II, not to say cheaper. Bought it as an upgrade but I'm very disappointed.

I've used the Power Smoothing options between 4 and 10, and it seems to help keep a more steady resistance closer to the target power, however the delay in resistance when doing intervals is still a big issue and can't understand how come Elite can claim that it takes 3 seconds to go from 0 to 25% steepness and then when using ERG intervals it takes ages. 2 to 4 seconds is a reasonable delay, 10 is not.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby lellinoaereoplanino » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:37 am

mi accodo agli stessi problemi
col garmin 1000 comando il drivo ( ma col pc è uguale )
passare da 150w a 220w variando contemporaneamente anche la cadenza è impossibile
le ho provate tutte
se sono a 150w 70 di cadenza e passo allo step di allenamento successivo da 220w e 100 di cadenza..... beh ! 1 inferno
aumento la cadenza ma la resistenza anke per 30 secondi arriva e resta a 400w
devo fermarmi nel pedalare, aspettare che il drivo sposti il magnete interno e ricominciare perdendo un minuto dello step di allenamento

ma quando dovro' fare scatti da 30 secondi o magari da 10 secondi? come faro'???

ho provato a vari smoothing, ma nulla !!!

ke delusione !!!

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby lellinoaereoplanino » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:17 pm

10W means a very steady power, comparable to pro cyclist pedaling ;)
The power smoothing option affects only the shown data and doesn't affect how the trainer brakes.
The higher the power smoothing value is, the more the power will be smoothed.

questo non lo sapevo, quindi lo smoothing ai fini della pedalata è ininfluente

buono a sapersi ;) io credevo ke fungesse anke come "livellamento" della resistenza del drivo invece capisco che "livella" solo il valore letto sull app o sul garmin

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