Direto calibration

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby wanttoride2016 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:28 am


I am having problems with getting the calibration to work. I peddaled for 15 min or so..launch the app click on calibrate, it says start pedaling. Then nothing happens. Even after pedaling for another 5-10 min after. From what I read this message should come with in a few seconds. I cancelled it..tried again..same result..

Using Bluetooth and MacBook Pro .. I also noticed that after I start calibration it says in the app that I have no trainer, for the trainer to show up green I have to unplug it and plug it back in. Then try to calibrate again..run into the same problem..

Any help would be apprciated.

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:00 am


There's seem to be some connection problem.
Sometimes, this happens because the bluetooth communication gets stuck.

So, first thing to try is to "reset" completely the communication in this way:
- power off the trainer
- power off any device that can be connected to the trainer (smartphones or tablets)
- restart your Mac completely
- power on the trainer
- run my e-training Desktop
- do again the configuration

Then, check if the trainer connects properly and run a program (just to check if speed and power are working properly).
Finally, run the calibration.

If still you're having problems, it is necessary to investigate further.
In this case, please contact our customer care as indicated in my e-training Desktop (click on the contacts icon, in the upper right corner of the dashboard)


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Re: Direto calibration

Postby wanttoride2016 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:39 pm

I have tried that and it still doesn't seem to work.. However when I use my iPad it works just fine..

If I calibrate it with the iPad will that be saved on the trainer it self, so if I use trainer road on the Mac it's calibrated or does it have to be calibrated per device ?

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:11 am

If you have calibrated it using the iPad, it's ok (calibration is "saved" on the trainer itself).
But I suggest you to contact the customer care anyway to solve the problem on the software. Run my e-training Desktop and select the contact icon.


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Re: Direto calibration

Postby peterskmj@gmail.com » Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:12 am

new to this forum,just bought my direto. i've set it up followed all instructions and run calibration of trainer. came across same problem it won't calibrate, it will on my i-phone but not on laptop.
when I run a program power and cadence work but speed won't register stays at zero. tried several times to pedal for 10-30 mins and then calibrate but just won't work!! Frustrating after paying good dollars for it!
Only way I can train for next two months as had operation on broken thumb.

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby wdelathauwer » Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:43 pm

Hi all,

I'm also experiencing trouble calibrating my Direto. First I thought I could calibrate in Zwift, but that didn't work ofcourse. Then I installed the My E Training on my ipad and tried to calibrate several times. At 175 it told me to keep speeding up. At 2120 (actual length) it told me to start, speed up and stop pedalling. Only after I stopped pedalling nothing happened and the ipad crashed. then Tried again the next day with absolutely no other devices around, no wifi connection and no bluetooth, but with an ANT dongle in my ipad. Same problem. app crashed. Same happened on iphones (tried several times).

Then I thought let's install the app on my mackbook air and try that with bluetooth. That app DIDN'T crash and delivered a value of 6100. I read here and there that it has to be minimum 6630? Anyhow, I did a work out on Zwift. That was sort of nice (I sweated), but I couldn't help but thinking that data was somehow incorrect. When free riding it doesn't give the resistance when going uphill. It recalculates the speed. Is this a setting in Zwift? Anyhow, I think it's not totally right.

Does anyone have an idea on the calibration value of 6100? And or any other tips as to completing the setup? I'm really looking forward to riding in Zwift in my shed. ;)

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby tangoz63@mac.com » Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:39 am

Did the calibration on my Direto and got the number 6693. On the sticker below the trainer, the number is 6702. Is that OK? If not, what I have to do?

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby elite » Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:20 pm

Isn't Ok. Max difference is 5 points. You should do calibration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLrK-5J ... dex=3&t=0s

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby mguitard » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:43 pm

I have tried to calibrate my Direto and I have a few questions :
1- what wheel circumfrance must be used? I used 2070 that was by defult in the app.
2- When doing the calibration (after a hour on Zwift) I got 6399 the sticker has 6603. Is that not a huge amount to make up just by tightning the belt? I don't want to break my belt?

Thanks for any imput on this

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Re: Direto calibration

Postby ian_thompson_ » Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:53 pm

anyone know what sort of Watt value, 1 point equates too? My trainer is currently 6 points out? Is that 6watts or more etc?

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