Transferring history files (and other needed files)

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Transferring history files (and other needed files)

Postby kikodoss » Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:46 pm

Hello all,

I need to transfer my current Real software files from an older (failing) laptop, to a new laptop. I'd prefer not to lose all my riding history, which has happened in the past.

What files in addition to the history files need to be moved to assure a smooth transition to the new laptop?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards,

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Transferring history files (and other needed files)

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:50 pm

Follow the instructions here: ... base-copy-


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Re: Transferring history files (and other needed files)

Postby Davbator » Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:13 pm

As I have just changed my PC to a new one and wanted keep my several years history on the new device.
Then, I have installed the latest Real soft version on the new PC and followed your advice by copying files from the old data folder to the new one.
By doing so, I am able to open the soft and to find my profile again. I can also see my videoraces on the main page. Unfortunately, when I try to open a videorace, the software is looking for the files in a wrong place.

Files have all been copied on the new computer to path : \users\MyNEWUSERNAME\appdata\local\elite\Real\Data

while the software attempts to open the same path with MyOLDUSERNAME instead. Then it fails.

Could you please help me on this ?
There might be a configuration file with this old info and I should not have been copied it.

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