Drivo Firmware update

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby lellinoaereoplanino » Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:16 pm

continua a lavorare male !!!

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby Col.Mustard » Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:45 am

Can we get an update from an Elite rep on this? We are still waiting for firmware update for the Drivo.

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby Kingswann » Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:03 am

I have been emailing Elite asking when we will get the update, guess what?? No clear answer or date. Considering they said SOON over a year ago its getting ridiculous.
Basically, soon is a lie to put customers off! Hardly good customer support
I have been told it will drop end of the first half of the year, so my guess is June. I simply don't believe this.
The price they sell this unit for is not reflected in the customer support and care.
Simple NOT good enough Elite.

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby andrews » Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:25 am

The only way to update the firmware is using a beta android app. My drivo suffers from the common erg resistance issue and elite suggested the firmware may correct it. Trouble is I don’t own an android device. I’m beyond words how much of a joke this is for £1200 rrp device.

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby James72 » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:43 am

Get onto support if you want access to the Beta Android App. I went through the process on my Drivo and ERG is so much better. Resistance changes are faster and settles quicker.

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby sergey.maximenko » Tue Jan 14, 2020 4:12 am

Here comes 2020 and no new firmware for Drivo either. Elite claims to release new firmware at the beginning of 2020 now.
(Pinocchio inside should have rather long nose at the moment)
Support denies to provide me any Android App mentioned above.
I regret buying the Drivo - support provides no actual help, bugs are declined to be registered, no updates to firmware.
Drivo is a failure as an interactive trainer. It is built over some sturdy solid chassis but Elite have no idea how to control it properly.
I should've bought some direct drive fluid trainer for half the price.

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby thekaptone » Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:21 am

Drivo 2 update??????

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby r.lafferty » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:59 am

Given that I asked this question on Jan 21 2019!! and that the Drivo has been officially discontinued I would say there is now no chance of any
updates to Drivo 1 or 2.

I would love to be proved wrong.

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Re: Drivo Firmware update

Postby thekaptone » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:36 pm

I have had the Drivo for 5 days and it is now going back, so disappointed that i forked out this much money for a dud machine

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