Problems with Qubo digital smart b+

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Problems with Qubo digital smart b+

Postby koldo.olaskoaga » Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:01 pm

I have a Qubo Digital Smart B+ trainer and I am having an issue using it. When I bought it it worked fine but after some months and an update of MyeTraining it became harder to use it. Now when I connect it to MyeTraining or to Wahoo Element to follow some track I have done before I have to use bigger gears than in the reality and ride slower. I can’t enjoy the tracks I used to in the beggining.
I don’t know how this probelm can be fixed.

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Re: Problems with Qubo digital smart b+

Postby n.suboticki » Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:03 pm

I have a similar problem. The resistance does not change and is harder than it used to be. Dit you manage to solve your problem?

Best regards, Nikola

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Re: Problems with Qubo digital smart b+

Postby daniel.casey4 » Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:30 am

Same here, had two good sessions then got 500wtt far too easy half way through a session after one big effort. After this it seems like it's stuck at max resistance but only gives me 150wtt max even if I attempt to sprint.

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Re: Problems with Qubo digital smart b+

Postby petr_vm » Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:49 pm

I had a problem with the trainer after two years of regular use.
The resistance did not change, the power values ​​were incorrect.
In my case the problem is worm gear wear on the magnet block
The solution is to replace this block. I got this from Elite Support. I myself made a block replacement and now everything works well.
The main difficulty when replacing was to carefully unscrew the flywheel, but it is possible.

It is possible that in your case, due to contamination, the mechanism for moving the magnets began to jam.
Contact support, they will help.

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