Drivo Erg Mode

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby orosi.v » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:49 am

I want to try it also, but I'd like to have possibility to go back if i did not like it. Anybody know how default "PID Drivo 2.json" looks like ?

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby simonakennedy » Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:13 pm

4169 wrote:
pryswilliams wrote:Update

If you want to give it a go, I've attached the link to the json file here https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/attachments/token/gLqi13F3ofNgaD2sbaGcUz9zR/?name=PID+Drivo+2.json, but Massive Disclaimer I have absolutely no idea what effect this will have on your trainer or even whether it will break it completely! My Upgrado app reports my Drivo (mk1) having Firmware: 058 / Hardware Revision: 8. Unless you have exactly the same I would probably steer well clear and try to get a specific config file for your trainer via the support guys.

Hope this helps.

Hi. I took a chance and tried. I liked the result. The power at intervals changes very quickly . 1 second. I didn't notice that it takes more effort to maintain power. Smooth by default 2. I'll post the charts later.

Hi - I am seeing the same problems as all of you guys with my Drivo 1. Can I ask if you had the same Firmware and Hardware versions as the original poster of the JSON link? Mine is showing as Firmware: 055 and Hardware Revision: 006, so I am hesitant to attempt the same solution.


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby jon.dunsdon » Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:50 pm

Just for info, Elite sent me exactly the same link for the json file for a Drivo 2 with the same slow response ...
Also, The latest iOS upgrado app supports uploading the file.

Update: unfortunately this didn't help at all and maybe made it worse on the Drivo 2.

Update 2: whilst the iOS looked like it was working and claimed it had successfully uploaded the file it hadn’t.

I know this as I borrowed an android device and retried the update. You can tell it worked as the upload didn’t jump straight to 100% and after completing it was obvious the trainer was going through a cycle - noises, and flashing on the status lights.

After a power cycle it’s now working better.
Last edited by jon.dunsdon on Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:48 pm

Hi guys

About reactivity, it's important to analyze every single case.
Please contact our customer care if you think you need a faster reaction of the motor.
Remember that this is not necessary a better solution for all, as the motor will move in a less smooth way.


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby stephen.r.gunn » Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:40 pm

stephen.r.gunn wrote:
pryswilliams wrote:Update

After contacting support with the ERG mode responsiveness issue, they sent me a link to a JSON config file which I uploaded to the Drivo (mk 1) using the Upgrado app. This has had a very noticeable effect on the responsiveness of the trainer with ERG mode power changes being applied relatively quickly. Quickly enough indeed for 10 second power jump intervals in Zwift to be successfully completed which wasn't the case beforehand. There is also however a side-effect whereby the trainer's stability at maintaining a power level is noticeably more erratic. So it seems the Drivo uses a software-configured buffering of required trainer power levels, with responsiveness being achieved at the cost of stability. Ah well, I can live with the more erratic power-level stability if it means the trainer doesn't take at least 20 seconds to get to a required power level.

If you want to give it a go, I've attached the link to the json file here https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/attachments/token/gLqi13F3ofNgaD2sbaGcUz9zR/?name=PID+Drivo+2.json, but Massive Disclaimer I have absolutely no idea what effect this will have on your trainer or even whether it will break it completely! My Upgrado app reports my Drivo (mk1) having Firmware: 058 / Hardware Revision: 8. Unless you have exactly the same I would probably steer well clear and try to get a specific config file for your trainer via the support guys.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for posting that link. My Drivo has the same firmware and hardware revision as yours so I've taken a punt and upgraded to that file. Like you, I found that the power changes are much faster than previously (tested using Sufferfest Downward Spiral in tandem with PerfPro Studio software). Also, like you, I noticed that there was a bit more fluctuation in power while supposedly maintaining a specific level, but that was not too bad. The final observation was that the cadence reading from the trainer was quite erratic whereas it was previously reliable. I'm not too bothered about that as I have a separate cadence sensor on the bike, so have switched to taking measurements from that. All in all, I'm pleased with the improvements that this file has provided. Now, we just need Elite to issue it officially :?

As an update to this, I've been noticing that, although the resistance is a lot faster to change since installing the JSON file, the power reading is sometimes not updated to the new value immediately, and stays stuck at the previous value for quite a few seconds.

E.g. my ERG workout transitions from 100w to 200w, I feel the change in resistance almost immediately, but my Garmin and whatever app I happen to be using says I'm still at 100w for approx 5-10 seconds before updating to show the 200w that I've been outputting for several seconds already.

So I'm getting the workout that I'm meant to be getting, but the recorded file that gets uploaded to Strava etc will show something a bit different.

On balance, I'm still pleased that I used that JSON file, but it might not be for everyone. I wish Elite would issue a solution to make ERG work well without the detrimental side effects.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:41 pm


did you try also to decrease the power smoothing?
Give it a try.


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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby chris.shaws » Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:25 am

Stephen - just interested to know if revising the power smoothing setting resolved your new problem of laggy displayed power?
I'm only a week in with Drivo (1) and still playing around with it but I could immediately relate to the ERG issues here and I'm tempted to try the Json config update before I start on some proper structured intervals training. I'm on the same 058 / 008.
Is there a fall back option to previous config? And for those that have made the change and are now happy with ERG - does your sim mode still work well like before?
As a side note with my Drivo 1 (058 / 008) it almost feels like the response times for ERG and Sim modes are back to front. ERG takes the usual long 10-20 secs to react and change whereas you really want that switch in 2-4 secs, whilst Sim seems to react immediately to any slight bump in the road with an instant change in resistance, when IRL the inertia would carry you over that bump with it barely registering, so Sim mode would be more realistic with a little more inbuilt lag, nothing wrong with an instant reaction but a progressive" change in slope resistance would be more realistic. Have been using Magic Roads in RGt (great fun) but any blemishes in a recorded GPX / Fit file that put little bumps where they shouldn't be act like hammer blows to the resistance felt and makes for a slightly choppy and less realistic ride.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby stephen.r.gunn » Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:31 pm

Elite Admin S wrote:@Stephen,
did you try also to decrease the power smoothing?
Give it a try.

I really don't think smoothing is the answer here. See this morning's session here for example - https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/4853545116 . There are periods of up to 20, 30, even 40 seconds where speed and power is not being broadcast. I don't think any reasonable amount of smoothing is going to compensate for that!

Any other ideas about this @Elite Admin S?

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby chris.shaws » Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:04 pm

Just a thought - I used to get display drop outs like that way back when on a dumb fluid trainer with Vectors. I went all round the houses with it for weeks before finally nailing it as the WiFi on 2.4ghz interfering with Ant+ signal. But because the router would automatically switch channels to find best signal my power display problem was intermittent dependant on what channel the router had selected. I fixed the router onto a known good channel (no Ant+ interference and usually a good channel signal) and the problem went away. You could try turning off your wifi for a quick test.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby chris.shaws » Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:05 pm

(I think Elite S meant to reduce your smoothing - ie to get instant power display)

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