Calibration of Qubo Power Smart B+

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Re: Calibration of Qubo Power Smart B+

Postby lconstructor » Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:32 pm

Con respecto al Qubo digital Smart B+ no logró calibrarlo . Si bien es cierto le puedo poner manualmente los valores P1 P2 P3 pareciera no ofrecer ningún cambio y en Zwift me arroja valores de potencia demasiado elevados por lo tanto ninguna resistencia

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Re: Calibration of Qubo Power Smart B+

Postby sandy.matthews » Mon May 11, 2020 12:36 am

I have tried and seriously failed to re-calibrate as my readings were a lot over on Zwift.
Now they are WAY out and I’ve tried through iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro and none were able to re-calibrate and now the power readings are are so far out it’s ridiculous. Help needed to sort this please!

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Re: Calibration of Qubo Power Smart B+

Postby nicolaas » Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:40 pm

Well... Changed fron MacBook and tried setting P1, P2 and P3 manually on both desktop as iOS app in MeEtraining.

In the iPhone app it just doesn't store the values I just typed in, as it doesn't neither on the desktop version (1.11.4).

Trying to calibrate guided from the desktop, it shows at the very end of the calibrtion 'this functionality isn't supported with this trainer' :roll:

These kind of settings should just be like 'plug'n'play' imho, but it is rather a hassle

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Re: Calibration of Qubo Power Smart B+

Postby nicolaas » Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:52 pm

Still no Power indication on my apps on iPhone or MacBook (not with ANT+ or Bluetooth). (No other sensor readers like bike computer or sportwatch where turned on at the time.) P1, 2 or 3 non-adjustable...

By selecting a power sensor on my Sigma ROX 11.0, I did get a power reading from the Qubo on the ROX 11.0. So that does work with bluetooth. I can select different resistance levels with the iOS-app(+ and -), but thats about it. So somewhere in the software communication with the Qubo it just doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. So anyone who has the final trick to get it right? I'm running out of options.

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Re: Calibration of Qubo Power Smart B+

Postby hernandez_christ » Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:03 pm

Have you been in touch with the support?

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