Resistance loss on flat in Zwift - Direto

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Resistance loss on flat in Zwift - Direto

Postby antbarron » Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:41 am

Please can someone help!?

Everything has been working fine with my Direto for around a year. I've been using ant+ only with no issues (except for that other thing I posted about, but that's fine now!!).

About a month ago I logged in for a Zwift race and found that the resistance on the flat was staring strong for a few seconds but then dropping off to almost nothing. Now, in a race or free ride, I can't use the trainer as I'm spinning out in my 53/11 at less than 200 watts.

Structured workouts in Zwift are fine and the Elite MyETraining app is fine, I just can't race or ride in Zwift.

I've played with the trainer difficulty, I've checked my connection (the multiple options that the Direto gives you for 'controllable' in the pairing screen)... nothing works.

Are there any other posts like this? Please can someone help?

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Re: Resistance loss on flat in Zwift - Direto

Postby marckubushefski » Tue May 19, 2020 2:52 pm

I’m also having the same issue. Other users told me to switch from Bluetooth to FE-C and I’ve tried that but no luck. Have you figured anything out?

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Re: Resistance loss on flat in Zwift - Direto

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed May 20, 2020 10:55 am


try also with my e-training (level mode is ok) and check if you have the same issue.
If it is so, contact our customer care at


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