I've bought new Direto XR few weeks ago (did not find the related discussion on this forum, so I'm writing here) and I'm experiencing some isseus when I try to use it to have workouts both in zwift and in Rouvy in ERG mode.
I'll try to explain the trainer behavior:
When I start a workout in ERG mode it's virtually impossible to keep a steady value for power. The values are scattering in order of +20 +20 watts even mantaining a quite stable cadence, around 80-85 strokes per minute.
When I start any workout the trainer is really too hard to move, the pedals seem blocked. It's not a fact that I'm not so powerfull

On both programs, the simulation mode on routes seems to work fine and the resistance is adjusted correctly when the slope is changing.
Trainer interfaced as controllable device via Bluetooth on both software
I made some power/time training in My Elite Training and I can pedal at the choosen power, like zwift, but there is anyway a scattering that I don't expect cause I'm having same gears and cadence...
No time today to have a longer test with MYETraining, but I will repeat it with longer intervals.
I've made a calibration (after more than 30 minutes of use), via MYETraining and I got the value of 6455 against 6457 written on the trainer (so I think the calibration is correct).
Reading some comments around I've the smoothing value set at 4.
For the rest the trainer is completely out of the box and not touched.
Any hints or suggestion are really appreciated.