Elite Suito Resistance in Zwift Issue

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Elite Suito Resistance in Zwift Issue

Postby marcin.l.kempka » Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:06 am


I have just recently purchased Elite Suito and the resistance feels very different from what it was with my Snap. When I approach the top of a hill just a few meters before the descent the resistance goes down as I was already going downhill however the mini map in Zwift still shows I’m going uphill. It is the same when descending and especially annoying when doing rolling hills: the mini map shows say -5% but the trainer already adjusted the resistance for going uphill. It seems like my trainer “knows” what’s coming next even before Zwift does :) The changes in resistance were pretty spot on and in line with what the Zwift mini map was showing when I was using Wahoo Snap so it does feel odd now when I can feel the change in the resistance on my trainer before the mini map shows the change in the gradient. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Re: Elite Suito Resistance in Zwift Issue

Postby phyqis+elite » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:51 am

Marcin, I don't have another trainer to compare with however I have noticed in Zwift that the mini-map gradient number lags behind the gradient in the Zwift terrain. When you next ride, watch the road (a different camera angle other than over-the-shoulder can help) and see whether you think the trainer response is correct, or whether the gradient number in the mini-map is correct, or if it's somewhere in between. I've come to the conclusion that the mini-map number is slow, and always late. I notice this on the hairpin bends when climbing, the gradient can swing between 5-15% in these situations and it's my belief that the trainer resistance is correct with respect to the road, and that the map is always late. I have the Direto (normal, entry level version). Might also be worth a quick message to Zwift technical help too, they seem to be quite responsive... perhaps more responsive than their gradio-meter in the mini-map!

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