Direto XR problems with ERG mode

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby vvillamediana » Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:51 pm

Ltc044 wrote:
vvillamediana wrote:Hi all,


What I recomend you to try is this:

* Short gears (or very short, like in my case).
* Don´t look at cadence. Forbiden change gears. Only concentrated in power.
* Just in case, start your workout stopped.

I hope this will be useful for you. Sorry for my english.

Hugs everyone and take care!!!

... just en additional information:
- what do you mean for "start your workout stopped" ?

Do you mean that when you start the workout you are not moving the pedals ? That is to say you start from zero ( with strong resistance the first pedal movements) ?

You´re right!!!

The short gears selected on bike make easier those first pedal movements. In adition, each workout begins with low watts demand (warming) and it only takes 2 or 3 seconds to reach desired power.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby enesto » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:10 pm

... This could be a solution :D

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby martijn » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:01 pm

I tried a ramp test on Zwift with the Direto XR today in ERG mode, but never during the test the ERG mode managed to keep up with the requested wattage. cadence was fixed at 95 and wattage increased with 40 W every minute. The wattage that the Direto delivered was constantly below the requested level by 10 to 15%. When Zwift for example set 300 as target the direto would settle at 260. Not so much the huge variation that some here talk about but it simply would not match the requested amount, not even after 1 minute.

Direto XR firmware 073

Anybody familiar with this issue and suggestions on how to solve it?

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby enesto » Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:38 am

Hi Martin,

I noticed that, when it settle down a value lower than the target, slowing the cadence will help.
So exactly the opposite of what our brain suggests.
This because slowing the cadence triggers the Direto to increase the resistance and recompute the requested effort.
Once you get closer to the requested watt (300 in your example), you can SLOWLY increase the cadence and the wattage should be maintained.
All this process takes time, 10-20 seconds to me, so no way to use it on shorter intervals....
I tried everything, this is the best I could do.
Hope this helps.


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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby martijn » Fri Feb 26, 2021 4:29 pm


Many thanks, this is indeed exactly how my Direto responds. By slightly lowering the RPM after an increase in requested power it will indeed get to the requested level faster and then it is quite stable. It is however idiotic that if you don't do that the system will not correct itself and stay at the lower wattage. Also if I stop pedaling for more then 5 sec, the balance is also easily disturbed and not always easy to get back to the requested level, but the trick of lowering cadence works well (but still annoying)


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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby rederik1979 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:48 pm

Guys I have this problem, when make a workout with cadence and power the training going crazy...I stay at the request cadence but the power is always lower, I have a external cadence sensor, smoot setted to 5, small anterior chain ring and 19 or 21 gear rear.

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby skvedo » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:12 pm

Hello all,
I purchased Direto XR 2 weeks ago. Since beginning it is not sticking to requested watts in ERG. Using TrainerRoad on phone (Samsung A41) over Bluetooth. Most of the time reported watts are bellow current level prescribed by training and even flapping like 40W bellow target on ~200 W workout. I have done multiple spindowns in Elite app or TR. Feels like it become little better with time as trainer break in, but still way of for the trainer price category. Briefly tried also ERG mode in Zwift, same behavior.
Running latest FW as this unit was manufactured month ago.

There are few examples of my recent workouts:
https://www.trainerroad.com/app/career/ ... -tunnabora
https://www.trainerroad.com/app/career/ ... 213-carson
https://www.trainerroad.com/app/career/ ... 959-carter

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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby enesto » Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:12 am

Hi skvedo,
If you look at the first pages of this thread you can find some CSV I shared with elite.
They said oscillations are normal, and mostly due to cadence variation and the extreme precision/accuracy of their trainer.
I still think that my oscillations were (and are) too big, but I accepted it.
Now, looking at your data, your oscillations are even bigger than mine, so my suggestion is to repeat your test, trying to keep a "zen" stable cadence (maybe using my elite training too), send the results to elite and wait for their suggestions.


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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby enesto » Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:19 am

rederik1979 wrote:Guys I have this problem, when make a workout with cadence and power the training going crazy...I stay at the request cadence but the power is always lower, I have a external cadence sensor, smoot setted to 5, small anterior chain ring and 19 or 21 gear rear.

Can you add some numbers?
Target power and cadence... And I can give you a comparison with what I get with my trainer.

You could be in power ceiling/floor combination
Is the external cadence configured in elite app too?


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Re: Direto XR problems with ERG mode

Postby rederik1979 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:38 am

enesto wrote:
rederik1979 wrote:Guys I have this problem, when make a workout with cadence and power the training going crazy...I stay at the request cadence but the power is always lower, I have a external cadence sensor, smoot setted to 5, small anterior chain ring and 19 or 21 gear rear.

Can you add some numbers?
Target power and cadence... And I can give you a comparison with what I get with my trainer.

You could be in power ceiling/floor combination
Is the external cadence configured in elite app too?


Hi Enesto, my trainer working good when i have a workout without a cadence target. But when i have a workout with cadence and power target this going in difficulty...the power drop outmany time, have a big oscillation. Yesterday tried to make a workout without cadence and the trainer associated at the garmin 830 only, worked flawless...the next step is to try the same configuration but with also cadence target.
So, i have a external cadence sensor (Garmin ant+ cadence sensor) and my last workout with cadence and power was this:

1min @336w\60rpm
2min @269w\85rpm

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