Problem-Direto power value too high

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Problem-Direto power value too high

Postby Ressler » Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:57 pm

I've done quite a few tests using both Direto and my Favero Assioma pedals. The problem is that the Direto always gives me +/-5% higher power values than the Favero pedals. Last FTP test was 332W on Direto and 314W on Favero, both using them in the same test.
The Favero Assiomas have also been tested in combination with a Tacx Neo,which is known as very accurate, with a divergence of only 1% between Neo and Favero. So I suggest that the Faveros are pretty accurate
I already calibrated the Direto a few times .Last calibration gave me a value of 6730. While the label gives me 6734.
Is there something I can do to have more accurate power measurement from the Direto?
Thanks in advance!

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Problem-Direto power value too high

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Aug 30, 2021 12:02 pm


Please contact our customer care:

Specify the trainer model, serial number and calibration offset.
The guys there will ask you some test


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