I've had an Elite Turbo Muin trainer for a few years now.
It comes with a Misuro B+ Sensor
Could someone advise what to do with this problem please?
Turbo Muin Trainer S/N 15433
Misuro B S/N 333017 c Firm:17
First thing is that there seems to be no clear instructions as to how the Misuro should be setup. Is it 12 blinks, is it 2 blinks, or is it 15 blinks?
Second thing is why does there seem to be no explanation of why, when using the trainer with Zwift, there is a warning that the battery is low... even with a new battery on it. The signal drops out and is essentially useless as a smart trainer.
Having read up on this problem, this is a very common issue and Elite are clearly aware of it but there appears to be no solution offered other than "buy a new one".
Can anyone offer a solution/some advice that will get this great trainer up and running again. I'm very reluctant to throw good money after bad buy buying a new Misuro unit if this is indeed something Elite know about but have no solution for other than buying a new trainer.
Thanks in advance!