trainer selector suggestion..

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trainer selector suggestion..

Postby Jinesh » Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:16 am

Hello everyone,,
we have a more than half-year winter here, so i need a trainer for almost everyday activity.

not sure about interactive, but it need to be smart and transmit data to garmin devices.
and long-lasting of course.

i was thinking about direct driver models (turno, kura, direto), but "elite trainer selector" _persistently_ suggest "qubo power fluid" model.
(additionally i would need musiro b+ sensor for connectivity, i suppose, and thru-axle adapter because i only have mtb with 12x142 qr?)

so, can i trust the selector choiсe, or there is any reasons to pay twice for direct drive trainer? :)

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Re: trainer selector suggestion..

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:43 am


Of course... the more you pay, the more you have ;)
But at the same time, it may be that a low-end trainer is all you need for your training 8-)

The major benefit of a direct drive is quietness (you don't have the contact between the wheel and the roller and this means less noise).
This is a point to consider.

The other thing you have to consider is if you think you want a "simulator" of outdoor riding or not.
Fluid trainers (Fluid, Turno, Kura...) have a completely different approach compared to Interactive trainers.
Here's an interesting article about this (it's about Turbo Muin, but it's the same concept): ... 0RHbXUwV00

When you'll have decided if you want an interactive trainer or a smart trainer, and if you want a direct drive or a traditional one, it will be all more clear


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