Elite Rampa in “dumb” mode

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Elite Rampa in “dumb” mode

Postby tmatheson@telus.net » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:19 pm

I have an Elite Rampa which I used a few times back in 2019 when training for an Ironman. At that time I used it with Rouvy. Now I would like to use it to participate in a zoom cycling class where the instructor calls the workout. So I want the Rampa to work in “dumb” mode where the resistance is constant and I control the gear shifting and difficulty. Just like a regular “old fashioned” trainer. However I am not techy at all and I can’t figure out how to make this work. Do I need an app to make this happen? Help!

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Elite Rampa in “dumb” mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:21 am


You can use my e-training app, even without subscription.
Then you can select the level mode (which set a fixed resistance level).


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