Elite Drivo-firmware update

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Re: Elite Drivo-firmware update

Postby r.lafferty » Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:46 pm

I have one of the earliest Drivos and just checked on Upgrado
Firmware 28
Revision 1
And its says "up to date" !!
Whilst the drivo has been good on the whole the support through firmware updates etc has been lousy. I have been contacting Elite for the last 2 years to enquire when an update is coming and have continually been told "soon" An update is needed to speed up the responsiveness when in ERG mode as any intervals less than 20 seconds are a waste of time.
In truth I think they are just more interested in selling new units than keeping the older ones up to date.
Not sure that I would bother with Elite next time

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