Driving Vibration

General discussions on Elite trainers

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Driving Vibration

Postby Nigan » Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:52 pm

Hello everyone,,
Looking for some advice. I bought a Drivo last week and have done a couple of sessions on it. For the most part I'm really happy with it but I have a couple of queries.

Firstly, when I am getting above 95 cadence or 35 kph I start getting low level but very noticeable vibration from the unit. It feels like it is unbalanced, bit like a washing machine drum. Whilst it doesn't add a huge amount of noise I am worried about the vibration travelling through the house and the walls to the neighbors. After all I bought this as it was when of the more silent out there.
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The second issue is I am getting what I can best describe as an electronic clunking noise during the ride. Again not a massive noise but slightly off putting. I think this might be the magnets working to change the resistance buy would be grateful for some views.

Any thoughts people have on the above would be appreciated as I'm not sure I can live with the current level of vibration.
Last edited by Nigan on Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:37 pm

Re: Driving Vibration

Postby Jimbojones » Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:26 am

I am experiencing the same issue. I have had my Drivo II for around 3 months and have been using with trainerrroad. When using the Drivo II with my bike in the big chain ring, and am pedalling greater than 30kms (not sure the exact speed as trainerroad doesn’t show speed) the unit produces a low rumble which is loud enough to hear over the noise of the trainer. It would be good to know what this is and what needs to be done to fix.


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