REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

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REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

Postby SHrider » Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:12 pm


i am new in the Elite REAL / Drivo environment and so i have some questions.

The first one:
i saw that its possible to in/decrease the "slope" value just in 0,5% steps during a free training. Is this hardcoded into the software or is it possible to do a setup which allows to change the slope value in 0,1% steps (in Tacx this is possible and i think smaller steps makes it easier to adapt the resistance to the training goals)

The second questions:
i have Garmin vector pedals. Is it possible to pair those pedals with the Elite Drivo to show the Garmin Power values in Elite Real Software?


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Re: REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:28 am


About the first question, it is not possible to increase/decrease the slope in 0,1% steps, I'm sorry.
About the Garmin Vector, in our Real software it is not possible to pair it. But we're going to release a new software in few weeks that will allow also to pair an external ant+ power sensor (or bluetooth smart if the pc support it), so you should be able to pair it there.
Anyway, the power sent by Drivo is very precise (due to its internal power sensor).


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Re: REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

Postby SHrider » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:22 am

Hi admin and thanks for your answer.

To pair the Garmin pedals is interessting because so its possible to use the same powermeter indoor and outdoor over the whole season. But its not possible at the moment its not a big deal.

One question to the slope setting:

I saw that its possible do create a training with DESIGN / DESIGN A NEW COURSE OR PROGAM / SLOPE TIME PROGRAM.
Here its possible to create segments with 0,75% slope or whatever. If i setup 0,75% at this point - will the slope really 0,75%? So this could be a way to drive with a setting between 0,5 and 1 %.

And other question to this DESIGN / DESIGN A NEW COURSE OR PROGAM / SLOPE TIME PROGRAM area: i saw that i can just create segments with 1 hour as maximum. To create a training with 4 hours i have to create 4 segments with 1 hour and with the same slope. If the systems switches from the first 1 hour segment to the second 1hour segment - will there be gap if all 4 segments have the same slope or will be the change from one segment to the next segment seamles / without a gap ?

Thank you very much.

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Re: REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:10 am


I confirm you that in slope/time program creation you can set the slope with a precision of one decimal (so you can set a 0.7 slope, but not a 0.75).
If you set four segments with the same slope, there won't be any gap going through them.


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Re: REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

Postby SHrider » Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:35 am

Hi Admin and thanks for the answer.

Sounds good, this is a workaround which is ok.
But it will be a good feature for the future to give us the option to change the setting for slope in 0,1,% steps and not just in 0,5% steps during a ride.
Specially at the beginning with a new trainer its better to have small increments to figure out which resistance is fine for which training.

But i have to say my first rides with the Drivo was fine, the feeling is absolut perfect and the sound is really good, quit.

I have one small problem in SLOPE / TIME program. I create the programm with a segment with 0,4% slope. With this setting and a wattage around 200W i drove around 30km/h. Works fine but after 20min i stand up from the saddle for seconds and sit down and after that the speed dropped from around 30km/h to around 22km/h and the resistance feel harden than the 0,4%. So i restartet the program and after that it works fine, the resistance felt good and the speed was back to around 30km/h. I think it happend because of changing cadence after i stand up...


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Re: REAL with Drivo / Slope / Garmin Vector

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:41 am

There might have been a little disconnection, or so I think.
Please try it again and if it happens contact our customer care at to investigate further

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