Drivo - Cadence and ERG stop working into Zwift workout

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Drivo - Cadence and ERG stop working into Zwift workout

Postby stuart.hendry76 » Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:13 pm

I have a Drivo which I pair with Zwift. Been working fine since I got it in March but the last two workouts, it starts fine then into the workout the cadence info disappears.

On a workout earlier today, it did this and the ERG mode stopped working properly. The trainer couldn't sync with the Zwift app. I stopped pedalling so that the ERG mode disengaged, started pedalling so that it re-engaged but it was still having issues.

There was a clear disconnect between Zwift and the trainer, ie the trainer could not output the watts on the screen, I could pedal hard to get what it asked for, but then the resistance fell away so it was impossible to keep the required power.

This is not how ERG mode is supposed to work, where you keep a cadence and the trainer adjusts the resistance to get to the power that Zwift is asking for.

I looked at upgrading the firmware using the Elite Upgrado app, but it's up to date.

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Re: Drivo - Cadence and ERG stop working into Zwift workout

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:55 am


If you use my e-training, do you have the same problem?
Give it a try. If the problem appears there too, contact our customer care at myetraining@elite-it.com.
If the problem is only with Zwift, contact Zwift customer care first


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