Drivo shows smth unreal

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Drivo shows smth unreal

Postby azander » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:37 pm

Dear Sirs, I've bought my Drivo trainer less than a year ago. During last week I have a problem when I train on Drivo in Zwift. The problem is incorrect power estimation. When I start to make a sprint- it shows that power is increasing , after a few seconds it shows low power ( about 200 w), but I'm still sprinting with hard gear and fast cadence. After the end of sprint ( in 10-15 sec) I stop to pedal hard and begin to recover. But! On zwift screen I see my power is about 1800-2000 w. Something wrong has happened with Drivo: it shows power with delay and overestimation. As I feel all problems start when my power over 500-600 w. or after 20-30 min of training. It is not funny, but now I can pedal with low cadence- Drivo shows 1600 watts, 170 rpm and 65 km/h. It is absolutely unreal. I did calibration many times. But problem still exists. Please help.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Drivo shows smth unreal

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:44 am

Please try the Drivo with our my e-training app and tell me if in this way it works properly.
I've seen that you're already in contact with our customer care about this issue, please answer there as well.


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