Too high resistence on ERG Mode use

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Too high resistence on ERG Mode use

Postby marcos_aleal » Thu Jul 28, 2022 1:41 pm


I have been using my Elite Direto XR for almost one year and a half with around 5000 kms done mainly in Zwift ERG mode connected to a windows 10 pc via Bluetooth.

in the the passed couple of weeks I have been experience several problems with the resistance of trainer. the trainer is creating a too high resistance at the start of the pedaling and than don't relieving the resistance in order to met the range of power target on the workout. it keeps it above the range by around 60 watts more (ex. target power 120w, the trainer keeps pushing it never lower than 180w). usually then I can overcome this problem by pausing and resuming the workout or by turn off and on the erg mode for a couple of tries (usually works on second or third attempt).

this issue also happens during the workout as well. or in the middle of a interval, with the resistance increasing suddenly from the target power, for example, the trainer is running the target of 200 w for some minutes and suddenly without any change on the gearing or the cadence the resistance increase up to 260 w.

Or at the end of the interval, with the trainer increasing the resistance instead of decreasing (ex. at the end of a 200 w interval instead of decreasing the power to the new target of 120 W, the roller increases resistance) or by increasing the resistance to a power much higher than the target (ex. at the end of 200 w interval instead of increasing the power to the new target of 240 W, the roller increases resistance to close of 300 W). Again, I can overcome this issues by stop pedaling and pausing and resuming the workout or by turn off and on the erg mode for a couple of tries (usually works on second or third attempt).

the equipment is updated (at least believing in the Upgrado app), is calibrated with the calibration value of 6438 of the off set 6440. and I had this problems even trying a ANT+ connection instead of Bluetooth and by running the zwift app in the android smartphone instead of the pc.

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Re: Too high resistence on ERG Mode use

Postby djburton » Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:19 am

My issue (thread "Direto applying too much load at low cadence on Zwift") sounds very similar to this, and I've had my Direto for a similar amount of time.

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Re: Too high resistence on ERG Mode use

Postby marcos_aleal » Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:27 pm

but in your case you do mix up with your cadence... in mine i'm going steady and the guy simply increase the load of resistance from the nowhere... or when it was cadence variations i do met them but the roller simply doesn't relive the resistance in order to target the power range... :x :x :x

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Re: Too high resistence on ERG Mode use

Postby ronaldo.07 » Tue Oct 25, 2022 4:33 pm

Hello, i have the same problem, do u find any solution? Elite customer service couldn't help me.

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