Zumo bearing replacement procedures

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Zumo bearing replacement procedures

Postby johnson.andrew » Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:10 pm

i have had a Zumo trainer since 2019 and it has served me well. In fact i have been using it about 5 times a week in all the time i have had it. However, recently it has started making a rubbing noise caused by the main drivewheel (the one the cassette / bike is mounted to) rubbing against the inner casing. Having stripped the casing off i can clearly detect play in the bearing on this and the tensioner pulley. I think it is reasonable , given the usage, that the bearings have worn out like this but....

As i am mechanically proficient and have a decent workshop, i would like to replace the bearings but i cannot find any procedure for this. The tensioner pulley is easy and i have replaced the bearing on this already. The bearing i am concerned about is on the main flywheel - is there a procedure available that details how to strip the fly wheel off the shaft? I would be greatful if someone could help as i dont expect this to be fixed by Elite or the dealer under warranty given its age but i would equally not want to replace the whole trainer for want of a couple of bearings.

I would appreciate any assistance on the procedure if possible.
Many thanks

PS: I also have a landrover and bearing replacements are second nature to me :-)

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Joined: Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:05 pm

Re: Zumo bearing replacement procedures

Postby johnson.andrew » Wed Jan 04, 2023 2:28 pm

For anyone interested, i managed to do this myself just with some simple garage tools. Trainer is relatively easy to strip down and the replacement bearings can be found easily on amazon etc...

I replaced the bearings (2 of) on the main fly wheel and the 1 bering in the tensioner pulley.

Bearing parts:
Tensioner: 6200-2RS
Flywheel: 6004Z

Tools used: Circlip pliers, hammer, sockets for drifts to remove/press bearings, bench vice.

When you undo he tensioner pulley, mark the starting position with a felt pen and count the turns to fully release. When refitting, wind back the same number of turns.

Reassemble and then do a calibration. Works like new. I suspect its not that different for many of the Elite trainers as they seem to share many common components.

PS: None of the above came from Elite, this is purely my attempt to DIY restore my trainer to its original splendour.

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