Vibration Direto

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Vibration Direto

Postby Gianni » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:32 pm

When i do the calibration the trainer is almost perfect, but when i pedal i feel the trainer vibrating in my pedals.

Is this normal?



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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:46 am

Hi Gianni

Please contact the customer care at


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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby raphnou » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:52 pm

Hello Elite staff,

Sorry I use a translator,

I just received my Direto today, first feeling of pedaling, very good on the slopes with a low cadence, it is much better than the Genius of Tacx, the pedaling of the Direto is fluid but there is something that bothers me for my first session of 17km / 230m d + on BigRingVR

I noticed some abnormal things,

- When the slope increases towards 7/8% there is a different noise which is understood as a friction.
- At high speed I have a vibration that I feel in all the bike, my trainer is upstairs and on the ground floor there is a big vibration on the ceiling that I did not have with the Genius, it's as if there was a problem of equilibrium of the wheel of inertia ...
- Screw problem to discuss in personal message ...

Good weekend guys


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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:25 am


There shouldn't be any vibration on the ceiling.
Please contact the customer care at, as it is necessary to investigate further.


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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby dte » Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:17 pm

I also feel a vibration but it seems to be happening only at a specific cadence/speed. If I increase either the cadence or the speed then I don't
have any more vibration.
Should I also contact the customer care?

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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:34 am


write to the customer care and specify in which exact conditions you notice the vibrations.

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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby matz » Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:44 am

I can report similar issues:

When the Direto is cold and I‘m in a low gear and Zwift kicks in with a high resistance, I get a strange vibration along with a noise. Sometimes along with a slipping. If I change to a higher gear so that the flywheel spins faster, the vibration and noise completely disappears. But: If I do a 10min warmup, everything stays quiet; just a little change in sound at a high resistance. I‘m only seeing this issue with Zwift in the maps Insbruck and NY when in Sim Mode.
As far as I can tell now, I would suspect Zwift to be the root cause, since
a) I never had this issue in Erg mode
b) I cant reproduce this issue in My E Training
c) I not having this issue on any Watopia route

When the issue occurs, it seems to me as if the Direto is set to the highest possible resistance - only for a very short moment - and then falls back to „normal“.

But again: Using Erg Mode, the Direto works perfectly well, so I would guess it‘s not the Direto but Zwift, that is responsible here.

Cheers, Matz

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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:48 pm


contact the customer care as I've told you previously.


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Re: Vibration Direto

Postby matz » Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:58 pm

Problem is solved!
It is not the Direto but the way Zwift handels BT dropouts. In case any of your BT sensors drops connection prior to starting a ride on an iOS device, Zwift is trying to reconnect to the lost sensor an sends false commands to control the Direto. Got this info from the Zwift Forum / Zwift Support and was able to sucsessfully reproduce the issue, as well as successfully implement the workaround.
You need to make sure that:
- all sensors are hooked up when you start a ride
- a power/cadence sensor has a good battery and wont drop out during a session.
It‘s currenty recommended to use the Direto cadence sensor instead of a 3rd party BT sensor.
Zwift will provide a hotfix in the next couple of days to solve this issue.

If your Direto vibrates as mine did, I would stop imediately. I had the cover removed to find out, what was going on and saw the mechanics that move these magnets moving back and forth very quickly when Zwift should have just increased the resistance a little. It was pretty obvious that there is an issue with controlling the trainer. I did some test rides in my-e-training and the magnets where always moved slowly and consistently without any flattering.

Maybe it could be an option to improve the Direto firmware to watchout for non-reasonable power commands and kind of fix them before being executed.

For the time beeing, I‘m happy with the workaround.

Cheers, Matz

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