Direto resistance drops in Zwift every 3-4 mins

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Direto resistance drops in Zwift every 3-4 mins

Postby cliveweir » Tue May 15, 2018 5:42 pm


I recently changed the wheel circumference to 173mm as recommended in the manual for the Direto - to correct speed readings on Garmin/Wahoo head units.

The next time I used Zwift resistance dropped to zero/nothing every 3-4 mins - each time lasting around 10 seconds. It took me a while to realize that the wheel circumference change had caused this, I was ready to return the Direto until i found this post on the Zwift support forum:
https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/comm ... 5001505091

Changing the wheel circumference back to AUTO (2070) on the Wahoo head unit fixed it, not sure why as I don't use the head unit when running Zwift - does it change something in the trainer itself?

It seems i'm not the only Direto owner who has encountered this bug, can we have it fixed please?


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